With two weeks to go until Zabbix Summit 2021, we continue to introduce you to our guest speakers. Vittorio Cioe is already known to our community – he has participated in various Zabbix events, such as Zabbix summits and meetups. This year’s Zabbix Summit is not an exception. We asked Vittorio to tell us a few words about himself and introduce the presentation he will deliver on November 25th.

Hi Vittorio, we are happy to see you among the speakers this year! Would you mind please uncovering what your paper is about?

Hi, happy to be at Zabbix Summit also this year! This year I will cover a topic that is growing interest in the market as far as I can see: infrastructure as code, to create reusable deployment scripts. I will take as an example a Zabbix deployment on Oracle Cloud, using MySQL as a Service. I have decided to go this way because Oracle Cloud is very strong on the infrastructure as code side, and Zabbix it is very straightforward to automate.

You’re already familiar with many of our users and event attendees, but our community is growing, and new members are definitely interested in learning more about the speakers. Tell us please about yourself and your professional activities.

I originally come from Italy but relocated to Poland several years ago. Professionally I am a technology enthusiast, and in the past, I have been working the Security and Digital Transformation space. Finally, 4 years ago I landed at MySQL, which previously I have been a user of. This has been quite an incredible journey which put me in contact with some really amazing technology companies, and among those, Zabbix.

What role does Zabbix play in your professional activities?

Zabbix is one of the Oracle MySQL partners with which we have been able to establish cooperation and I really enjoy working with.

What do you think makes Zabbix stand out from other monitoring solutions?

I believe that the real strength of Zabbix is that the product is Open Source, and it brings the power of an enterprise-level monitoring solution to the broader public which normally could not afford it, giving a lot of companies the possibility of growing.

Have you already seen the summit program and the topics that will be covered? Which presentations would you be interested in hearing yourself?

There are some really great speeches this year! I would really like to listen to the speech of Alexei Vladishev (Zabbix 6.0 LTS – The next great leap in monitoring) and Sergey Sorokin (Take Advantage of Zabbix Services Online).

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