From Turnkeys to Upgrades and Training courses – Zabbix offers a vast selection of services to help you get the most value out of your Zabbix environment. In this blog post, we will take a look at the new and existing Zabbix online services and learn how they can benefit both Zabbix veterans and newcomers to the monitoring world.

The full recording of the speech is available on the official Zabbix Youtube channel.

Zabbix in public clouds

Zabbix images are available for the most popular cloud services providers, including  – AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and many others. Let’s talk about what applications and services are available for those of you, that choose to take this Zabbix deployment route.

  • Virtual Appliances of Zabbix server and Zabbix proxy
  • Technical support services can be obtained directly in the cloud platform
  • Some cloud platforms provide containers for Zabbix server, Zabbix proxy, and Zabbix agent components

What does it take to deploy Zabbix in a public cloud?

  • 2-5 minutes to deploy a fully functional Zabbix instance
  • Easy to scale up and scale down according to your requirements
  • Select a geographical region where you wish to deploy your Zabbix component
    • For example, you could deploy the Zabbix server in one region and deploy a set of proxies across multiple other regions
  • The prices are very affordable and flexible
    • Depending on the cloud provider, the price can go as low as 5$ per month for the virtual appliance of the Zabbix server

Zabbix technical support services

Zabbix Technical support services are one of the most popular services with our customers. Zabbix support services offer 5 tiers of support.

Starting from the Silver tier, which covers the basic customer requirements such as answering customer tech support questions, to the Enterprise and Global tiers, which include not only technical support services but also remote assistance, performance tuning, training, on-site visits, and more. Each customer can pick a support tier depending on their requirements and budget.

The technical support service provides multiple obvious and not so obvious benefits:

  • Support on demand
  • You will receive the answers to your questions strictly within your SLA
  • Insurance against “storms”
    • Whenever a major outage or issue arises in your infrastructure, Zabbix support can assist you with fixing the problems and ensuring that your Zabbix instance is in a healthy state
  • A way to influence the Zabbix road-map
    • Commercial customers of Zabbix have the advantage of a direct line of communication with Zabbix regarding their feature requests or potential bug reports

Zabbix professional training

We can divide the Zabbix training into two types of courses – core courses and one-day courses. Both of these types of courses are unique in the knowledge that they aim to deliver.

Core courses

The core courses are multi-day courses that range from the Zabbix Certified User course to Zabbix Certified Expert.

  • Zabbix Certified User course, which is aimed at Zabbix users who are not involved in configuring Zabbix, but they still need to access the Zabbix Dashboards and read metrics on a regular or a semi-regular basis
  • On the other hand, the Zabbix Certified Specialist course is aimed at Zabbix users that deal with managing and configuring Zabbix – configuring metric collection, problem thresholds, data processing, and more
  • The Zabbix Certified Professional course takes another step forward and is tailored for up-and-coming Zabbix power users. The course deals in deploying and managing advanced Zabbix infrastructures with automation and custom data collection in place
  • Lastly, the Zabbix Certified Expert course is aimed at potential Zabbix architects. By participating in this course users will learn about best practices when designing Zabbix infrastructures, the inner working of Zabbix processes, and all of the underlying logic that Zabbix performs when processing data and generating alerts

One-day courses

The goal of the Zabbix one-day courses is to take an in-depth look at a particular topic and provide all of the available knowledge on specific Zabbix features. These are one-day courses with a large focus on practical tasks. The content of these courses is unique. Therefore it doesn’t matter if you’re a newcomer or a season Zabbix expert – the information covered in the courses will be useful to you in any scenario.

Course availability

All of the aforementioned courses are widely available all over the world. Zabbix provides courses in different languages, for different time zones both online and on-site.

  • The courses are available in 11 languages
  • Currently, there are 8 types of courses with more to come down the line
  • 21 official training partners, providing Zabbix training in different languages and time zones
  • Available both online and on-site

What we covered here is just a small part of the overall service offering that Zabbix provides. In addition to the aforementioned services, you can visit the Zabbix Professional Services page to find a full list of Zabbix services – from consultancy hours to turnkey deployments and integration services. If you’re interested in any kind of assistance from Zabbix, feel free to get in touch with our Sales department – [email protected] and together we will tailor the best service offering for you.


Q: What pre-requisites are required for the attendees of Zabbix training courses?

A: For the Zabbix Certified User course there are no pre-requisites. As for the Zabbix Certified Specialist – some basic IT knowledge and at least surface-level ability to navigate the Linux operating system would be useful for the attendees. On the other hand, the Zabbix Certified Professional course requires the completion of the Zabbix Certified Specialist course. Similarly – the Zabbix Certified Expert course requires the completion of the Zabbix Certified Professional course.


Q: With the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS right around the corner – should our users simply wait until Zabbix 6.0 LTS training is available or they can certify in Zabbix 5.0 LTS?

A: Since Zabbix 5.0 LTS courses are still available, I would look at what you plan to stick with for the foreseeable future. If there are no plans to upgrade to Zabbix 6.0 LTS, then the Zabbix 5.0 LTS course could be the best for you. On the other hand, if a Zabbix upgrade is already scheduled – then 6.0 LTS might just benefit you more.


Q: What If I have the Zabbix 5.0 LTS specialist certificate – will I be able to attend the Zabbix 6.0 LTS professional course or do I have to start over?

A: With the release of Zabbix 6.0 LTS we plan to introduce the Zabbix Certified Upgrade course. This will be a one-day course that will allow Zabbix 5.0 certified specialists and professionals to upgrade their certification to the Zabbix 6.0 certified specialist or professional.

The upgrade course has the extra benefit of preparing you for the Zabbix 6.0 LTS changes before you actually perform the jump to the Zabbix 6.0 LTS release. With the upgrade certificate in hand, you will be aware of all of the changes and new features that await you in the latest Zabbix LTS release.


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