Zabbix Conference 2014With less than 1.5 months left until the 4th annual Zabbix Conference we took a moment to interview our honored speakers of this year’s conference, asking them about their thoughts and plans on the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

As of today, we will publish interviews with the conference speakers, letting you know their experience from Zabbix Conference and suggestions on how you can benefit from soon-to-be conference and its scheduled official agenda.

Pre-conference Interview with Steve Mushero

Steve MusheroSteve Mushero is a Founder, CEO & CTO at ChinaNetCloud. He has over 25 years of technology management experience across a wide range of industries in international contexts, mostly in Silicon Valley and China. Steve Mushero previously served as CTO at Tudou (China’s largest YouTube-like video site), Intermind, New Vine Logistics, and Advanced Management Systems, and as Chief Architect or advisor on many global projects, including for the World Health Organization, Grameen Bank Foundation, and Fortune 500 companies.

During Zabbix Conference 2014, Steve Mushero will represent his 2 talks about: “Scale – 2500 Hosts, Million Items” and „Loving the Zabbix Database”. For details, please refer to the conference Agenda.

How did you / your company discovered Zabbix?

S.M.: We found it many years ago when looking for world-class large-scale monitoring systems.

Why did you choose Zabbix and what made it to stand out from other available monitoring software?

S.M.: We evaluated other systems but Zabbix was much more powerful, and especially the templating system was important for us due to the complexity of our systems and services. Also, of course, having status monitoring and graphing in the same system.

What was the key motivation for you to become one of our speakers at Zabbix Conference 2014?

S.M.: To contribute back to the community what we’ve spent years learning and building.

Zabbix Conference takes place for the 4th year. What do you want attendees to learn from your session?

S.M.: To learn about running Zabbix at large scale, and how to make database modifications or reports to better integrate with their internal or other systems.

What is the key message that you will bring to the conference audience by your presentation?

S.M.: Zabbix is powerful and flexible, and a little knowledge can help you go a long way.

This year’s Conference has a strong emphasis on scaling and high performance monitoring. What are your thoughts on the selected key topic?

S.M.: We probably have the most experience on this topic, especially on large global systems that are diverse and difficult to monitor, so we have a lot to talk about.

What do you look forward to at this year’s Zabbix Conference? What topics / issues you are more likely to discuss outside your session?

S.M.: I’m mostly interested in meeting people and learning about how others are scaling the system, plus looking at new features and finding lots of things I don’t know.

For those, who are still not registered for the upcoming Zabbix Conference, please share your thoughts and reasons why they should join it?

S.M.: If you are serious about, or thinking about being serious about, Zabbix, this is obviously the place to be.

Zabbix Team appreciates time and contribution of Steve Mushero and for his honest vision and opinion about Zabbix and the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

Stay tuned for the upcoming interviews with other conference speakers! 🙂

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