Deploy a production-ready Zabbix instance in the AWS cloud platform with just a few clicks.

With a major paradigm shift to cloud IT infrastructures, many organizations opt-in to migrate their on-prem systems to the Cloud. Zabbix provides official cloud images for the most popular cloud vendors including the AWS cloud platform.

Deploy the complete Zabbix infrastructure in AWS:

  • Deploying a fully functional environment takes less than 5 minutes
  • Select between multiple geographical regions
  • Select the EC2 Instance type best fit for your Zabbix workloads
  • Perfect for both Q/A and Production environments

Check out the video to learn how to deploy Zabbix in AWS.

How to deploy a Zabbix instance in AWS:
  1. Open the Zabbix Cloud Images page and select the AWS Zabbix server image
  2. Click Continue to Subscribe and subscribe to use the image
  3. Read the terms and conditions and click Continue to Configuration
  4. Select the Region in which you wish to deploy a Zabbix instance
  5. Select the launch options and the EC2 instance Type
  6. Select a VPC, a subnet, a Security group, and a key pair
  7. Make sure that the selected security group allows traffic through ports 10051, 22 and 443
  8. Press Launch to launch the instance
  9. Check the instance address and connect to the instance 
  10. Copy the initial frontend username and password
  11. Sign-in into the frontend with your credentials
Tips and best practices:
  • The initial frontend password can be obtained by connecting to the instance terminal
  • By default, the Zabbix frontend uses the UTC timezone
  • The frontend timezone can be changed by editing the php_value[date.timezone] variable in /etc/php-fpm.d/zabbix.conf and restarting the php-fpm process
  • The MySQL root password is stored in /root/.my.cnf configuration file
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