There are many options available for monitoring Kubernetes and cloud-native applications. In this multi-part blog series, we’ll explore how to use Zabbix to monitor a Kubernetes cluster and understand the metrics generated within Zabbix. We’ll also learn how to exploit Prometheus endpoints exposed by applications to monitor application-specific metrics.

Want to see Kubernetes monitoring in action? Watch the step-by-step Zabbix Kubernetes monitoring configuration and deployment guide.

Why Choose Zabbix to Monitor Kubernetes?

Before choosing Zabbix as a Kubernetes monitoring tool, we asked ourselves, “why would we choose to use Zabbix rather than Prometheus, Grafana, and alertmanager?” After all, they have become the standard monitoring tools in the cloud ecosystem. We decided that our minimum criteria for Zabbix would be that it was just as effective as Prometheus for monitoring both Kubernetes and cloud-native applications.

Through our discovery process, we concluded that Zabbix meets (and exceeds) this minimum requirement. Zabbix provides similar metrics and triggers as Prometheus, alert manager, and Grafana for Kubernetes, as they both use the same backend tools to do this. However, Zabbix can do this in one product while still maintaining flexibility and allowing you to monitor pretty much anything you can write code to collect. Regarding application monitoring, Zabbix can transform Prometheus metrics fed to it by Prometheus exporters and endpoints. In addition, because Zabbix can make calls to any HTTP endpoint, it can monitor applications that do not have a dedicated Prometheus endpoint, unlike Prometheus.

The Zabbix Helm Chart

Zabbix monitors Kubernetes by collecting metrics exposed via the Kubernetes API and kube-state-metrics. The components necessary to monitor a cluster are installed within the cluster using this helm chart provided by Zabbix. The helm chart includes the Zabbix agent installed as a daemon set and is used to monitor local resources and applications on each node. A Zabbix proxy is also installed to collect monitoring data and transfer it to the external Zabbix server.

Only the Zabbix proxy needs access to the Zabbix server, while the agents can send data to the proxy installed in the same namespace as each agent. A cluster role allows Zabbix to access resources in the cluster via the Kubernetes API. While the cluster role could be modified to restrict privileges given to Zabbix, this will result in some items becoming unsupported. We recommend keeping this the same if you want to get the most out of Kubernetes monitoring with Zabbix.

The Zabbix helm chart installs the kube-state-metrics project as a dependency. You may already be familiar with this project under the Kubernetes organization, which generates Prometheus format metrics based on the current state of the Kubernetes resources. In addition, if you have experience using Prometheus to monitor a cluster, you may already have this installed. If that is the case, you can point to this deployment rather than installing another one.

In this tutorial, we will install kube-state-metrics via the Zabbix helm chart.

For more information on skipping this step, refer to the values file in the Zabbix Kubernetes helm chart.

Installing the Zabbix Helm Chart

Now that we’ve explained how the Zabbix helm chart works, let’s go ahead and install it. In this example, we will assume that you have a running Zabbix 6.0 (or higher) instance that is reachable from the cluster you wish to monitor. I am running a 6.0 instance in a different cluster than the one we want to monitor. The server is reachable via the DNS name with a non-standard port of 31103.

We will start by installing the latest Zabbix helm chart. I recommend visiting to get any sources that may be referred to in this tutorial. There you will find a link to the Zabbix helm chart and templates. For the most part, we will follow the steps outlined in the readme.


Using a terminal window, I am going to make sure the active cluster is set to the cluster that I want to monitor:

kubectl config use-context <cluster context name>

I’m then going to add the Zabbix chart repo to my local helm repository:

helm repo add zabbix-chart-6.0

If you’re running Zabbix 6.2 or newer, change the references to 6.0 in this command to 6.2.

Depending on your circumstances, you will need to set a few values for the installation. In most cases, you only need to set a few environment variables for the Zabbix agent and the proxy. The complete list of values and environment variables is available in the helm chart repo, alongside the agent and proxy images on Docker Hub.

In this case, I’m setting the passive server environment variable for the agent to allow any IP to connect. For the proxy, I am setting the server host accessible from the proxy alongside the non-standard port. I’ve also set here some variables related to cache size. These variables may depend on your cluster size, so you may need to play around with them to find the correct values.

Now that I have the values file ready, I’m ready to install the chart. So, we’ll use the following command. Of course, the chart path might vary depending on what version of the chart you’re using.

helm install -f </path/to/values/file> [-n <namespace>] zabbix zabbix-chart-6.0/zabbix-helm-chart

You can also optionally add a namespace. You must wait until everything is running, so I’ll check just that with the following:

watch kubectl get pods

Now that everything is installed, we’re ready to set up hosts in Zabbix that will be associated with the cluster. The last step before we have all the information we need is to obtain the token created via the service account installed with the helm chart. We’ll get this by running the next command, which is the name of the service account that was created:

kubectl get secret -o jsonpath={.data.token} zabbix service-account | base64 -d

This will get the secret created for the service account and grab just the token from that, which is passed to the base64 utility to decode it. Be sure to copy that value somewhere because you’ll need it for later.

You’ll also need the Kubernetes API endpoint. In most cases, you’ll use the proxy installed rather than the server directly or a proxy outside the cluster. If this is the case, you can use the service DNS for the API. We should be able to reach it by pointing to https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local:443/api.

If this is not the case, you can use the output from the command:

kubectl cluster-info

Now, let’s head over to the Zabbix UI. All the templates we need are shipped in Zabbix 6. If for some reason, you can’t find them, they are available for download and import by visiting the integrations page that I pointed out earlier on the Zabbix site.

Adding the Proxy

We will add our proxy by heading to Administration -> Proxies:

  1. Click Create Proxy. Because this is an active proxy by default, we only need to specify the proxy name. If you didn’t make any changes to the helm chart, this should default to zabbix-proxy. If you’d like to name this differently, you can change the environment variable zbx_hostname for the proxy in the helm chart. We’re going to leave it as the default for now. You’re going to enter this name and then click “Add.” After a few minutes, you’ll start to see that it says that the proxy has been seen.
  2. Create a Host Group to put hosts related to Kubernetes. For this example, let’s create one, which we’ll call Kubernetes.
  3. Head to the host page under configuration and click Create Host. The first host will collect metrics related to monitoring Kubernetes nodes, and we’ll discover nodes and create new hosts using Zabbix low-level discovery.
  4. Give this host the name Kubernetes Nodes. We’ll also assign this host to the Kubernetes host group we created and attach the template Kubernetes nodes by HTTP.
  5. Change the line “Monitored by proxy” to the proxy created earlier, called zabbix-proxy.
  6. Click the Macros tab and select “Inherited and host macros.” You should be able to see all the macros that may be set to influence what is monitored in your cluster. In this case, we need to change the first two macros. The first, {KUBE.API.ENDPOINT.URL}, should be set to the Kubernetes API endpoint. In our case, we can set it to what I mentioned earlier: default.svc.cluster.local:443/api. Next, the token should be set to the previously retrieved value from the command line.
  7. lick Add. After a few minutes, you should start seeing data on the latest data page and new hosts on the host page representing each node.

Creating an Additional Host

Now let’s create another host that will represent the metrics available via the Kubernetes API and the kube-state-metrics endpoint.

  1. Click Create Host again, name this host Kubernetes Cluster State, and add it to the Kubernetes group again.
  2. Let’s also attach the Kubernetes Cluster State template by HTTP. Again, we’re going to choose the proxy that we created earlier.
  3. In the Macro section, change the kube.api.url to the same thing we used before, but this time leave off the /api at the end. Simply: default.svc.cluster.local:443. Be sure to set the token as we did before.
  4. Assuming nothing else was changed in the installation of the helm chart, we can now add that host.

After a few minutes, you should receive metrics related to the cluster state, including hosts representing the kubelet on each node.

What’s Next?

Now you’re all set to start monitoring your Kubernetes cluster in Zabbix! Give it a try, and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

In the next blog post, we’ll look at what you can do with your newly monitored cluster and how to get the most out of it.

If you’d like help with any of this, ATS has advanced monitoring, orchestration, and automation skills to make this process a snap. Set up a 15-minute with our team to go through any questions you have.

About the Author

Michaela DeForest is a Platform Engineer for The ATS Group.  She is a Zabbix Certified Specialist on Zabbix 6.0 with additional areas of expertise, including Terraform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, and Kubernetes, to name a few.  As ATS’s resident authority in DevOps, Michaela is critical in delivering cutting-edge solutions that help businesses improve efficiency, reduce errors, and achieve a faster ROI.

About ATS Group: The ATS Group provides a fully inclusive set of technology services and tools designed to innovate and transform IT.  Their systems integration, business resiliency, cloud enablement, infrastructure intelligence, and managed services help businesses of all sizes “get IT done.” With over 20 years in business, ATS has become the trusted advisor to nearly 500 customers across multiple industries.  They have built their reputation around honesty, integrity, and technical expertise unrivaled by the competition.

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2 years ago

That’s very interesting. Can you share some dashboard “template” to apply to those environments? It would be very useful. Thanks

Dawid Warzocha
Dawid Warzocha
11 months ago

I see a little mistake.

helm install -f </path/to/values/file> [-n <namespace>] zabbix zabbix-chart-6.0/zabbix-helm-chart


helm install -f </path/to/values/file> [-n <namespace>] zabbix zabbix-chart-6.0/zabbix-helm-chrt
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