With Zabbix Summit Online 2021 just around the corner, it’s time to have a quick overview of the 6.0 LTS features that we can expect to see featured during the event. The Zabbix 6.0 LTS release aims to deliver some of the long-awaited enterprise-level features while also improving the general user experience, performance, scalability, and many other aspects of Zabbix.

Native Zabbix server cluster

Many of you will be extremely happy to hear that Zabbix 6.0 LTS release comes with out-of-the-box High availability for Zabbix Server. This means that HA will now be supported natively, without having to use external tools to create Zabbix Server clusters.

The native Zabbix Server cluster will have a speech dedicated to it during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. You can expect to learn both the inner workings of the HA solution, the configuration and of course the main benefits of using the native HA solution. You can also take a look at the in-development version of the native Zabbix server cluster in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release.

Business service monitoring and root cause analysis

Service monitoring is also about to go through a significant redesign, focusing on delivering additional value by providing robust Business service monitoring (BSM) features. This is achieved by delivering significant additions to the existing service status calculation logic. With features such as service weights, service status analysis based on child problem severities, ability to calculate service status based on the number or percentage of children in a problem state, users will be able to implement BSM on a whole new level. BSM will also support root cause analysis – users will be informed about the root cause problem of the service status change.

All of this and more, together with examples and use cases will be covered during a separate speech dedicated to BSM. In addition, some of the BSM features are available in the latest Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release – with more to come as we continue working on the Zabbix 6.0 release.

Audit log redesign

The Audit log is another existing feature that has received a complete redesign. With the ability to log each and every change performed both by the Zabbix Server and Zabbix Frontend, the Audit log will become an invaluable source of audit information. Of course, the redesign also takes performance into consideration – the redesign was developed with the least possible performance impact in mind.

The audit log is constantly in development and the current Zabbix 6.0 LTS alpha release offers you an early look at the feature. We will also be covering the technical details of the new audit log implementation during the Summit and will explain how we are able to achieve minimal performance impact with major improvements to Zabbix audit logging.

Geographical maps

With Geographical maps, our users can finally display their entities on a geographical map based on the coordinates of the entity. Geographical maps can be used with multiple geographical map providers and display your hosts with their most severe problems. In addition, geographical maps will react dynamically to Zoom levels and support filtering.

The latest Zabbix 6.0 Alpha release includes the Geomap widget – feel free to deploy it in your QA environment, check out the different map providers, filter options and other great features that come with this widget.

Machine learning

When it comes to problem detection, Zabbix 6.0 LTS will deliver multiple trend new functions. A specific set of functions provides machine learning functionality for Anomaly detection and Baseline monitoring.

The topic will be covered in-depth during the Zabbix Summit Online 2021. We will look at the configuration of the new functions and also take a deeper dive at the logic and algorithms used under the hood.

During the Zabbix Summit Online 2021, we will also cover many other new features, such as:

  • New Dashboard widgets
  • New items for Zabbix Agent
  • New templates and integrations
  • Zabbix login password complexity settings
  • Performance improvements for Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy, and Zabbix Frontend
  • UI and UX improvements
  • Zabbix login password complexity requirements
  • New history and trend functions
  • And more!

Not only will you get the chance to have an early look at many new features not yet available in the latest alpha release, but also you will have a great chance to learn the inner workings of the new features, the upgrade and migration process to Zabbix 6.0 LTS and much more!

We are extremely excited to share all of the new features with our community, so don’t miss out – take a look at the full Zabbix Summit online 2021 agenda and register for the event by visiting our Zabbix Summit page, and we will see you at the Zabbix Summit Online 2021 on November 25!

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