In September 2020, Zabbix started operations from its office in Latin America, located in Brazil, in the city of Porto Alegre, state capital of Rio Grande do Sul. Since then, the office has strengthened its relationship with the community as a whole, in addition to expanding the network of companies that officially join the Zabbix Partnership Program.

It has been a year since we celebrated the arrival of our Zabbix office in Latin America and, throughout that first year, a number of challenges were set in our way.  The first, the distance between continents, overcoming the need for closer proximity to our largest Zabbix community, which is Latin America. Also, the extremely atypical and sensitive context at the time we started our operations in the Latin American continent – which was the case with the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Zabbix, as a globally recognized data collection and analysis platform, is fully Open Source. In other words, it is available and accessible to everyone who wants to learn about it and use it.

It’s simple, easy, and quick to install.

Its power goes far beyond IT infrastructure monitoring, allowing it to be used at different levels of any business or segment.

During this first year, the opening of the office has made it possible for the network of users, partners, customers, and other interested parties to have greater clarity about our business model and, in particular, in relation to the transversality that Zabbix provides for companies. This means that any organization, whatever its industry, needs technological support and to collect and assess business metrics. And Zabbix, in this context, is a solution that provides elements to support the specific needs of each area (sales, marketing, technology etc.).

In addition to that, we have seen the exponential growth of companies seeking to know more about our official partnership model, which – consequently – puts us head on with the intense work of strengthening and welcoming these organizations that officially arrive as Resellers, Certified Partners or even those who become Premium Partners.

It is these partners who, through a global network (250+ partners spread across 50+ countries), deliver quality services, certified professionals and supported directly by the manufacturer.

For our CEO at Zabbix LATAM, Luciano Alves, “in the current scenario and especially after the opening of our LatAm office, public and private Large Enterprises started to seek more information on how to access our official services. It is not uncommon for us to participate in meetings where clients report not being able to extract the full potential of Zabbix, precisely because they do not work alongside one of our accredited partners. Our role, together with our partners and customers network, is precisely to ensure that Zabbix services reach their final destination, with the highest possible quality. With this positioning, our partners now have the manufacturer at their side at all times, from the pre-sales process, specification and delivery of highly complex projects”.

The benefits experienced since arrival at the office include:

  • Local language partner support and easy payment.
    The LATAM Office Team is made up of professionals with excellent service, offering support to partners in Portuguese and Spanish, which facilitates communication with our contacts in the area. Also, payment is made in BRL (Brazil) or USD (other countries).  We have reduced prices for services by approximately 40% for the Latin America region. Consequently, this becomes more attractive to partners and customers, as – currently – any and all business carried out is paid directly to the office in Brazil, without surcharges or exposure to exchange variations.
  • Local Manufacturer Support
    We are much closer to our partners and customers, making processes more agile and simplified.
  • Direct training
    Our partnership program aims at preparing partners so that they deliver Zabbix’s full potential within their region. Therefore, we have implemented actions to qualify knowledge about Zabbix. This means that they receive direct training from the office, focused on the business model, sales processes, latest updates, available features, and necessary technical skills.
  • Events
    The proximity of the office with the local culture allowed us to develop events that better meet the needs of users, partners, and potential customers. Also, partners have been sharing their experience, use cases and knowledge to strengthen their understanding of Zabbix and leverage business.
    Estimates say that next year we will be possible to hold face-to-face meetings and also one of the most anticipated events by everyone in the region – Zabbix Conference LatAm, in two editions: Brazil and Mexico.
  • A gift so we can celebrate together!
    One of the biggest gifts we’ve decided to share, to celebrate Zabbix LatAm’s anniversary, is the free course for new Zabbix users: Zabbix Starter Week. The first edition closed last Friday (9/17), in Portuguese, and the next one takes place between September 27th and October 1st, in Spanish.
    The goal is for new users to learn more about the platform and have the opportunity to apply in their daily lives the lessons learned there.

We continue to listen and seek to meet the wishes and needs not only of Partners, but also of the Zabbix LatAm Community as a whole. As a platform for worldwide use that has users, clients and projects on all continents and market segments, Zabbix is a necessary solution to support the technological and digital transformations we face.

As far as our office is concerned, the Zabbix Community in Latin America will always be supported so that we can grow together.

See you later!

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