It’s been a while since the first public release of Zabbix – almost 10 years. That’s something worth celebrating, right? There also could be some event where Zabbix users could share their experiences, meet the developers and gain new knowledge about Zabbix. So what’s the plan?

The plan is something that many have suggested before – the very first Zabbix conference, which doubles as a birthday party. There are no details currently, so we would like you all to tell us what would you like to see in such an event – and when.

The conference could have lots of different content, but what matters is the interest of you, potential visitors. Is it seeing interesting approaches with Zabbix, as used in other companies? Is it trying out practical workshops on monitoring specific devices and protocols? Maybe it’s large scale integration and automation solutions?

While you expand on topics, there are some other things to consider. Would you prefer single track, so that you don’t miss anything useful, or maybe you would only want to see higher level business presentations, while technical talks have their own track? Should this be a one-day event or two days so that social contacts can be developed as well? Would you prefer weekend or working days?

If you feel that you have something interesting you would like other Zabbix users to know about, we’d love to see your proposal for a talk. Is it some important deployment of Zabbix? Maybe it’s a commandline client, hardware agent or sophisticated network map integration? Maybe you have something to share about success of Zabbix in your region and what characteristics appeal to businesses there? There might be multiple formats for the talks – full hour presentations, 10-15 minute lightning talks and practical workshops, so if you don’t feel confident of keeping audience interested for a full hour, maybe a lightning talk is best.

Then there’s the important question of “when” – it can clash with your vacation or job, there might be issues with traveling and so on. The official birthday of Zabbix is April 7th, but the conference currently is planned for the second part of April. Are there any large scale events (including other conferences) that might prevent you from visiting?

All discussion on this topic is welcome in the Zabbix forum thread.

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