For a long time Zabbix has gone largely unnoticed in the world of monitoring systems. Despite being around for almost 10 years and having several unique features for the time (and still today) like Zabbix proxy, it was not something one would expect to see in user surveys. Times, they seem to be a-changin’.

The growing interest in Zabbix surfaced some time ago – back in 2009, Zabbix made a surprise appearance in Ubuntu Server Edition Survey (see page 12). Despite having the category named “System management”, Zabbix did there fairly well. But that happened almost two years ago. Let’s see what’s going on right now.

First there was this LinuxJournal survey about favourite Linux monitoring application. And hey, what do you know… It’s actually Zabbix leading there. And it leads with 39% compared to 29% for the second place. As a proof, let’s replicate a screenshot here.

By the way, this survey still seems to be open, so go and vote if you haven’t done that already. Vote for Zabbix, of course.

So, what’s next? Well, there’s yearly Readers’ Choice Awards, again coming from LinuxJournal. Having higher profile than the previously mentioned survey, it was interesting to see how would Zabbix fare there.

Not only does Zabbix show up in the Best Monitoring Application category, it manages to get the second place. And it does it in a way to surprise James from LinuxJournal, who proceeds to say that:

When speaking of upwardly mobile Linux apps, we should include Zabbix in the same breath, the classic monitoring application that could. Coming out of the tiny country of Latvia, the enterprise-class monitoring solution Zabbix went from also-ran last year to contender this year in the category Best Monitoring Application.

But that’s not all – if we scroll down a bit to Product of the Year… hey, what’s that? Something familiar in the 4th place? So it’s Zabbix again, and that’s indeed great.

We’ll see what another year will bring and whether Zabbix will manage to climb up in the monitoring application category. Let’s wait for that enjoying all the new features that will appear, hopefully having a good time in the very first Zabbix conference – and keeping in mind another quote from James:

Zabbix definitely is worth keeping on your radar.

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