Everything happens for the first time. This statement comes true with Zabbix rather often lately. Could be due to a rapid growth.

So to make our life even more interesting, we decided to take over the world – IT world. Not the whole world, but rather specific destination. To be more accurate, city of Hanover in Germany.

This city is famous for hosting digital industry’s largest and most international exhibition –CeBIT.  Last year more than 4,200 companies like Zabbix, maybe some of bigger size, from more than 70 countries tried to conquer the Earth. And some of them really did so.

So this year Zabbix decided to rule. If you are among those who plan to join the event, you will be able to find us at Hall No. 6, Stand D08 of CeBIT pro section. We plan to surprise you with a demonstration of the very latest version of Zabbix by showing around the newest features and talking about upcoming developments. We plan to devote a special presentation to a long awaited release of Zabbix 2.0 version, revealing to general public all those benefits and advantages that makes it so different from previous versions.

Our special force during this event will be represented by Alexei – Mega-Mind, Jelena – Open-Mind, and Rich – Master-Mind.

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