On October 31st we introduced to our truly beloved Facebook followers an autumn contest, called “Zabbix Explorer”. During one month, until November 28th, the most enthusiastic, nimble, persistent and passionate Zabbix fans were competing with each other in order to win the title of ”Zabbix Explorer 2012”! 🙂
Every Wednesday and Friday, week after week, contest participants were exploring materials and finding the answers to Zabbix-related questions – some of those were more straightforward and some trickier ones, but none of them were easy.

Finally, after an intense battle and some hard brainwork by all the participants, we are ready to congratulate the winners of the contest and grant them the title of ”Zabbix Explorer”! And the winners are:

Patrick Fouquet and Adam Knight
Zabbix Explorer certificates of Patrick Fouquet & Adam Knight

Both winners are awarded a “Zabbix Explorer” certificate and complimentary prizes, including: a Zabbix t-shirt – “I am the Boss of IT infrastructure”, a bag tag to attach to an expedition backpack, a pen to record the findings, Zabbix rubber bracelets to stand out in the crowd, and an exclusive magnifying glass (with a high-quality glass lens of 1.50 diopters, gold metal frame and redwood handle), a “must have” tool for all professional and experienced explorers! 🙂

Complimentary prizes for our honored winners
Alexei Vladishev (Zabbix SIA founder and CEO) with Patrick Fouquet in his brand-new Zabbix t-shirt

We exclusively thank Patrick and Adam for being so active, enthusiastic and Zabbix-loyal in providing the correct answers and for taking part in this fun part of Zabbix activities! Also, we truly thank all the rest of Zabbix Facebook followers who participated in the “Zabbix Explorer” contest – we truthfully value your contribution. Stay tuned, follow us on the Facebook channel and hope to see you all in future entertainment activities by Zabbix!

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