There are many browsers in the world. Some better, some worse, some unusable. But some are just legendary. Probably no other browser version has ever been written and spoken about as much as one some of Zabbix users might have also heard about.

It is coming from a somewhat-known company called Microsoft – or should we say that it was coming? Unfortunately, this company has stopped putting its weight behind the most entrenched browser in the world, the oldest browser still alive – Internet Explorer 6.

It is oh-so-famous. Just try it – whenever there’s a discussion with web developers about some features, ask whether it will work in IE6. Some Zabbix frontend developers are well known fans and proponents of this thing, advocating for an eternal perversionpreservation of this browser version:

But after this Piece of Software fell out of fashion with many, including it’s longtime active supporter Google, there were rumours. At first, it was not something many would mention at all. But then, what was unspeakable about before, became more and more likely. Then, in one cold (well, not so cold really – just a couple of degrees below zero – but there’s lots of snow) January day the decision came.

Zabbix 2.0 drops Internet Explorer 6 support.

We would like to express our sorrow and biggest possible condolences to the users of this longtime browser statistics leader. You were, and still are, special.

Zabbix code will also lose a lot – all the impressive transparency hacks that show off imagination and persistence of the developers will be gone, JavaScript jungles will lose their natural beauty and will become orderly and uninteresting. You can almost hear Bob singing Concrete Jungle when thinking about such sad prospects.

Zabbix frontend developer Aly could barely comment on such news and considered putting his efforts behind saving IE7.

Another Zabbix frontend developer Konstantin did not share those feelings:

One step closer to common sense. This was the oldest supported thing we had, good riddance.

Other frontend developers were not available for comment at all, probably being too shattered to speak out yet. So see your browsers in Zabbix 2.0.

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14 years ago

So sad to hear that.

My favorite browser after Netscape 4.0

14 years ago

The damn “thing” was obsolete, the day firefox was released. And now we have chrome, which is even better. (ok it needs more and better extensions)

14 years ago

It’s a very good news! The legacy support to IE6 is becoming a very counterproductive work… bye bye IE6, welcome Zabbix 2.0!


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