The popularity of remote teams may have exploded in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s not a phenomenon that’s likely to trend downward anytime soon. High-profile organizations like 3M, Dropbox, Shopify, and LinkedIn are continuing to enthusiastically embrace remote working, essentially making it the “default setting” for their employees.

The shift toward remote working is not without its challenges, however. Organizations of all sizes often have little time to set up the kind of networking infrastructure and efficient processes that make sure remote workers are just as connected and productive as their on-site counterparts. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at some of the most important network monitoring challenges that remote teams face and show how Zabbix can help you tackle them as efficiently as possible.

Infrastructure and connectivity issues

A remote network is essentially a grouping of multiple smaller network setups, each with their own set of variables that can affect performance. The differences between network system and infrastructure quality at different remote destinations can often lead to low overall network performance, which in turn makes it a challenge to provide the kind of high-speed communication needed to run the remote automation tools and software applications used by remote employees and teams.

By providing straightforward and easy-to-understand visibility into a network’s connected devices and how data moves between them, Zabbix makes it easy to automatically compare data and identify any drop in network performance.

With Zabbix, you can easily keep an eye on network routers and switches, especially internet provider and uplink ports up/down. You can also monitor network latency, the error rate on ports, the packet loss to important devices, and network utilization on important ports with Here are some example triggers:

High Network Utilization: avg(/Router ABC/[eth0],5m)>80MB
High Packet Loss: avg(/Router ABC/icmppingloss,5m)>5
High Latency: avg(/Router ABC/icmppingsec,5m)>0.1

What’s more, Zabbix allows you to create network maps with important network devices and real-time data, as well as dashboards with maps and single item/gauge widgets, all of which makes it far easier to achieve the uninterrupted connectivity that remote teams depend on.

Staying safe

Remote locations aren’t islands that can be completely isolated from external traffic. Staying vigilant and doing everything possible to eliminate data breaches is important, and taking advantage of strong encryption methods, network scanning tools, and firewalls to protect your systems is a good start. However, using a whole suite of tools to protect security can add more difficulty when it comes to integrating and monitoring them.

With Zabbix, you can count on enterprise-grade security, including encrypted communication between components, a flexible user permission schema that can be easily applied to a distributed environment, and custom user roles with a granular set of permissions for different types of users.

Zabbix also provides native support for HTTP, LDAP, and SAML authentication (which gives you an additional layer of security and improves your user experience while working with Zabbix), the ability to restrict access to sensitive information by limiting which metrics can be collected in your environment, and the ability to track changes in your environment by utilizing the Audit log. It’s all designed to make sure that there are no compromises on the security of your data when you decide to go remote.


As a remote organization grows and its distributed systems expand, a good monitoring solution needs to be able to grow along with it in order to prevent gaps in coverage while maintaining performance and reliability. Zabbix gives you limitless scalability in the form of Zabbix proxies, which act as independent intermediaries that collect performance and availability data on behalf of a Zabbix server. You can roll out new proxies as fast as you need them, and because Zabbix is free and open source, you don’t have to worry about additional licensing costs.

Zabbix proxies allow you to see at a glance what resources are being used on your network at any given moment, which is especially handy if, like most remote teams, you have tens or even hundreds of servers and network appliances to monitor. You can also execute remote commands in remote locations – either on the proxies themselves or on the agents monitored by the proxy, and multiple frontends can be deployed for load balancing as well as for improved security and connectivity. Proxy docker containers and cloud options are available as well, enhancing flexibility and making Zabbix ideal for any organization that spans the globe (or aspires to).

Managing multiple solutions

The legacy software and systems you use were most likely designed to work in a traditional networking model. Remote working, as we’ve seen, presents a whole new range of challenges when it comes to compatibility and support.

We’ve created Zabbix to be as easy as possible to integrate with existing systems. You can easily monitor any operating system, cloud service, IP telephony service, docker container, or web server/database backend. We provide out-of-the-box monitoring for the world’s leading hardware and software vendors, and our extensively documented API makes it easy to create workflows and integrate with other systems. In addition, you can also integrate Zabbix with the most popular helpdesk, messaging, and ITSM systems, such as Slack, Jira, MS Teams, and many others.

Not only that, Zabbix is designed to serve as the ideal monitoring solution for multi-tenant environments. It serves as a single pane of glass for your entire infrastructure, and it’s easy to visualize everything that’s happening with your network with unique maps, dashboards, and templates.


The days of large teams all working together under the same roof are a thing of the past – the remote working trend will only accelerate as technology improves and employees get more accustomed to working with colleagues across multiple locations. That’s why it’s of paramount importance to make sure your monitoring solution has the built-in flexibility and scalability to grow with your team and your business.

If you want to see for yourself how Zabbix can help you effectively monitor a globally distributed network, contact us.



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