As announced two months ago, translation/string freeze is obeyed now. Zabbix 2.0 branch enters freeze now in preparation for 2.0.4 release.
For 2.0.3 our awesome translators managed to get 6 translations to 100%. How will it go for 2.0.4?
As announced two months ago, translation/string freeze is obeyed now. Zabbix 2.0 branch enters freeze now in preparation for 2.0.4 release.
For 2.0.3 our awesome translators managed to get 6 translations to 100%. How will it go for 2.0.4?
The Zabbix API is a great tool, which allows you to extend and tailor Zabbix to your specific needs. Yet using it still poses a challenge for many developers, because a lot of it is still undocumented. To solve this problem and make the API more open to third party developers we’ve decided to completely rewrite the documentation. Yes, everything. From scratch.
JMX monitoring with Zabbix is easy using Zabbix Java gateway. Let’s say you have a JMX-enabled Java application running on some host. You start the Java gateway, configure Zabbix server to use that, add that host in Zabbix frontend, set up a JMX interface and create a JMX agent item (described here). A JMX item key name is (surprise-surprise!) jmx and it needs 2 parameters that describe a monitored entity:
Zabbix is translated in multiple languages, 21 in total. Some are in better shape, some in worse, but the 2.0.3 release marks something fairly unique – 6 languages have 100% coverage.
The Zabbix conference welcoming event is as soon as tomorrow. Here at the Zabbix office we are having some fresh decorations – and a whole bunch of community members 🙂
Zabbix Conference 2012 is close, very close. Only three days or so left. Here at Zabbix we all are extremely excited and eager to see you in Riga, the capital of Latvia. The cradle and headquarters of Zabbix. When you arrive, it might be useful to have a visual idea of what’s happening where though, so here’s a map of potentially interesting things in Riga – and outside of it.
For quite some time now Zabbix has been offering a virtual appliance for those who would like to try it out or have a simple deployment for a small environment. Among other virtualisation solutions, users also run it on VirtualBox. But, when using NAT in VirtualBox, the host of the virtual machine cannot connect to the appliance directly. Let’s explore how this can be solved.
The translation improvement initiative is progressing nicely. We had a large jump for French from 69% to 100% and…
As many already know, Zabbix is translated in many languages, better in some, worse in others. With all the improvements that have happened to the translation framework and processes, including moving to gettext and recent introduction of string freeze, it seems like a good time to set some goals. How about getting as many translations as possible to 100% for 2.0.3?
Zabbix is already translated in quite a lot of languages, but there could always be more, and the available ones could have better coverage. There are several ways how translators’ work can be made easier, and one step is the introduction of string freeze, starting with Zabbix 2.0.3.
Often host level maintenance is too much. Picture a machine running multiple services: While one service has a scheduled downtime, others continue their work and you want to be alarmed about them. Zabbix has no maintenance on trigger level at present, but you can work around it quite easily.
While there are people who have been very active in the Zabbix community, it might not be so easy to start participating, especially if you are not frequenting IRC, which is the main Zabbix community hub. Hopefully the Zabbix community platform – – can help here.