Zabbix Conference 2014

That’s it! 🙂 We are glad to publish our last pre-conference interview with one of Zabbix Conference 2014 speakers, which means that we are so close to see you all in Riga, Latvia, soon!

For those, who have registered – Zabbix team will see you on BBQ Welcome Party, held in rock style, so a lot of fun, great music, fine drinks and food are waiting for you!

For those who have still not registered – you have the last day to do so! We officially close the conference registration today at midnight (+03:00, Riga)!

As for now, like we promised, here is the last pre-conference interview with our honored speaker – Gabriele Armao.

Pre-conference Interview with Gabriele Armao

Gabriele ArmaoGabriele Armao is a System Administrator at Systematica S.R.L., where his task has always been the implementation of a system monitoring infrastructure. Gabriele chose Zabbix and developed many tools and scripts around it. In November 2010, he became a Zabbix Certified Specialist for Large Environments, and two years later decided to move up and become a Certified Zabbix Trainer.

On Day 1 of Zabbix Conference 2014 Gabriele Armao will give a short talk on “ZabbixUnify – one dashboard to rule them all”.

How did you / your company discovered Zabbix?

G.A.: After having used Zenoss for some years, we needed a new monitoring system that allowed us to adapt better to our needs.

Why did you choose Zabbix and what made it to stand out from other available monitoring software?

G.A.: Mainly the ability of running custom scripts on the monitored machines, plus the ability to deploy Zabbix Proxies.

What was the key motivation for you to become one of our speakers at Zabbix Conference 2014?

G.A.: To give something back to the community and consolidate our presence as Zabbix Premium Partners.

Zabbix Conference takes place for the 4th year. What do you want attendees to learn from your session?

G.A.: Give all the attendees some suggestion and show them what can be done if you have some special need that isn’t a built-in feature of Zabbix.

What is the key message that you will bring to the conference audience by your presentation?

G.A.: API is a great way to mold Zabbix around your most unique needs!

This year’s Conference has a strong emphasis on scaling and high performance monitoring. What are your thoughts on the selected key topic?

G.A.: I think it’s a very interesting topic, Zabbix usage is increasing at an incredible pace, and many companies are now using Zabbix in large environments, this, of course, put some new challenges to the software, having the opportunity to share with other users how they overcome it is vital.

What do you look forward to at this year’s Zabbix Conference? What topics / issues you are more likely to discuss outside your session?

G.A.: Like all the previous conferences, knowing how other users solved some common issues and how they implemented the monitoring with Zabbix is going to be the main topic of discussion.

For those, who are still not registered for the upcoming Zabbix Conference, please share your thoughts and reasons why they should join it?

G.A.: Don’t miss this great opportunity! Meeting other people that are using the same monitoring system will open your mind. It’s also a nice opportunity to make new professional contacts, friends and, of course, have fun!

Zabbix Team appreciates time and contribution of Gabriele Armao and for his honest vision and opinion about Zabbix and the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

By this interview we conclude our series of pre-conference interviews with the speakers of Zabbix Conference 2014! Once again, we remind you, that today is your last chance to register and become a witness of the most grandiose Zabbix international event!

See you all on 12-13 September in Riga, Latvia, at Zabbix Conference 2014!

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