Zabbix Meetups connect the community and help to share monitoring experience between active and experienced users. Let’s see why and how to organize Zabbix meetups on your own.

Yes, you understood it right, everyone can be an organizer of the official Zabbix Meetup. Of course, there are tons of events that are outside of our control. Zabbix is an open-source solution, so the community is welcome to share the experience the way it feels comfortable. But we want you to know: Zabbix appreciates the community’s effort and enthusiasm in spreading the word about our monitoring tool.

Why organize?

Usually, meetups are being organized in terms of sharing Zabbix benefits and success stories within the local user groups. Most commonly this kind of event happens in an informal and friendly atmosphere: there are speeches, Q&A sessions, and unlimited networking. Meetups are the perfect way to find new partners and customers, as well as to get the technical questions answered and the knowledge gaps filled. Use this option to catch up with the community, share your story, and listen to interesting cases.

How to organize?
  • Make sure you are inspired enough to hold the event and take care of the management.
  • Find and book convenient premises. It can be a public place like a cafe or library but also can be your office.
  • Agree on the maximum attendees’ number and the program. Make sure that the program is available for everyone who can be interested and start the promotion.
  • Contact us.
  • Zabbix team will promote your meetup through the Events web page, social media channels, and newsletters.
  • If you will contact Zabbix in advance, we will provide you with official Zabbix merchandise to support giveaways. If you have any questions about organizing meetups, feel free to ask. We will be happy to guide you!

Watch the video from Zabbix Conference 2017 to learn practical tips from the experienced Zabbix Meetup organizers.


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