Zabbix Summit is the only place to hear notable use cases of Zabbix and deep dive in technical solutions presented by worldwide Zabbix experts. Nine years in a row, we did our best in organizing the event, which gathered hundreds of visitors from tens of countries. This year, we are adopting the new rules and are switching to the online format.

What will you find out

Zabbix Summit Online 2020 agenda will be mostly dedicated to Zabbix 5.2 release. It is expected to be announced before the event. Zabbix team engineers who work with the most challenging monitoring tasks daily will cover multiple technical topics and give a hands-on introduction for the new release and will tell how to benefit from the latest features.

We have invited Zabbix monitoring experts from around the world to cover the most exciting and complicated use cases of Zabbix. The most advanced monitoring gurus are involved in this event to share their technical know-how and actually show it. At each Zabbix Summit, even our team is amazed at how interesting, unusual, and complicated tasks users around the world are solving with Zabbix. So to wrap up – you will definitely find out something new and valuable about Zabbix that can open up new ways how you work with Zabbix or help to resolve issues you were fighting. Besides all the technical information that the Zabbix Summit agenda is full of, you will always find out about the latest Zabbix services, will get to know a better Zabbix team from all offices, and will get a chance to chat with Zabbix peers from different industries and countries.

How Everything Will Happen

Unlike the usual two-day-event, this year’s Summit will be held during one day and in such a way that people from all around the world can participate. We can say that the Summit will start from the Eastern part of the world – Japan, China and will last to the most Western regions of the globe – USA West coast and Zabbix extensive Latin American experts community.

We will start when it is the early morning in Europe with the Zabbix team’s and community members’ speeches from Japan. Next, will join the Chinese Zabbix representatives and Community and introduce interesting use cases implemented by Zabbix experts in this region. The third block is going to be the longest one. It will combine the speeches of representatives of the European region and Russia. In this part, Zabbix CEO Alexei Vladishev and Zabbix Technical Engineers will introduce their presentations as well. After the European segment, the Summit will be continued with speakers from Brazil. And the final section will be dedicated to the USA. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn exciting cases of Zabbix usage by local businesses and reach out to the local experts.

Every region-dedicated Summit part will be divided by the online coffee breaks, during which live interviews with speakers, as well as chat rooms for informal communication with the Community, will be organized. It will also be possible to ask your questions during the Q&A sessions.

You may ask now, what about traditional technical workshops? We have thought about that too. Next week after the Summit will be dedicated to practical online training. Workshops will be conducted by both Zabbix team members and Summit sponsors. You will be welcome to choose and take part in all the workshops that seem interesting to you.

What Else You Should Know

What’s essential, this year’s Summit will be free and available to all interested users. However, you have the opportunity to support the Summit financially:

  • By becoming a sponsor of the event
  • By purchasing a Zabbix fan package

A list of the benefits that each level of sponsorship offers to your company can be found in the Summit sponsorship brochure. As for the fan package, it includes an exclusive gift created especially for the event – a mug and a T-shirt (delivery is included).

Participate or speak up

At the moment, registration is open for both participants and speakers. Book your free Summit ticket if you want to experience the premier Zabbix event of the year, hear the latest news from Zabbix creator and CEO Alexei Vladishev, and feel the knowledgable and experienced vibe of the Zabbix community. Join Zabbix Summit if you have a great use case or have created a particular solution or template for Zabbix and know that most of Zabbix users will benefit from that. Maybe you are the pioneer who has championed a super complicated task that seemed impossible at the beginning and now can tell us almost a revolution? The deadline for abstract submission is September 18, 2020.

Follow the updates regarding Zabbix Summit Online 2020 on the official web page.

Join Zabbix Summit Online 2020 and access the world’s best Zabbix usage practices with one click.

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