In the previous blog post, we created a Zabbix Server setup, created several users, a media type, and an action. But today, we will install on a 3rd node the Zabbix Proxy. This Zabbix Proxy will have its database running on the same host, so the “node-3” host has both the MySQL and Zabbix Proxy running.
Today we are focusing more on the automation of installation and software configuration instead of using the manual approach. Installing and configuring software the manual way takes a lot more time, you can easily make more errors by forgetting steps or making typos, and it will probably be a bit boring when you need to do this for a large number of servers.
A big data analytics engine can be used to optimize large and complex Zabbix installations: keeping track of the amount and kind of problems over time, top alert producers, and much more. You can employ Splunk to optimize and analyze vital Zabbix runtime parameters, such as ‘unsupported items,’ repeatedly happening host availability issues, misconfigured agents, and Zabbix Queue entries.
This article will recall the most important theses about the plugin for PostgreSQL monitoring for Zabbix Agent 2. Here you’ll find the explanation of how the plugin works under the hood illustrated with a simple example. You will also get familiar with a new mechanism of custom queries that let you collect metrics from separate SQL files on PC.
A new set of trigger functions for long-term analysis of trend data will allow Zabbix to analyze historical data and generate alerts on detected anomalies.
A real CheckMK/LibreNMS to Zabbix migration for a mid-sized Italian bank (1,700 branches, many thousands of servers and switches). The customer needed a very robust architecture and ancillary services around the Zabbix engine to manage a robust and error-free configuration.
In this post, a new approach with Zabbix in High Availability is explained, as well as discussed challenges when implementing Zabbix using Docker Swarm with CI / CD and such technologies as Containers, Docker Swarm, Gitlab, and CI/CD.
Active Zabbix community members Nathan Liefting and Brian van Baekel wrote a new book on Zabbix, sharing their years of monitoring experience. Nathan Liefting kindly agreed to share with us how the idea for Monitoring Cookbook was born and revealed the main topics covered.
This topic is related to template development from scratch, bulk data input, and a lot of dependable items having different preprocessing steps each.
If these keywords resonate with you, keep reading.
In this post, we’ll talk about granular user roles introduced in Zabbix 5.2 and some scenarios where user roles should be used and where they give a great benefit to these specific environments.
In today’s class let’s talk about where the disk space goes. Which items and hosts objects consume the disk space the most.
Recently, Whatsapp pushed their new privacy policy where they announced to share more data with Facebook, causing an exodus to other platforms, where Signal is one of the more popular ones, among Telegram. Both are great alternatives, but I prefer Signal due to the open-source part, end to end encryption, and last but not least: their business model (living on donations instead of selling your data).