Zabbix Conference 2014In only a month Zabbix Team will meet you all at the 4th international Zabbix Conference to spend with you an amazing 2 conference days in the most beautiful European city (according to USA TODAY) – Riga, Latvia! Invaluable and very informative agenda, as well as exciting and intriguing entertaining program are waiting for the conference attendees.

Still not registered? Have a look on the series of pre-conference interviews with our honored speakers and see how much beneficial information, new knowledge, priceless best practices and experience, served by the leading IT experts, you can miss if you decide not to come!

This time we asked Aurimas Mikalauskas to answer our questions on the upcoming conference and let us know about his plans and intentions.

Pre-conference Interview with Aurimas Mikalauskas

Aurimas Mikalauskas is a Senior Consultant at Percona. He began using MySQL for various demanding web projects in 1999, while working as a System Administrator. In 2002, he moved to a dedicated server hosting startup to work as a performance engineer – performance optimization service was the key to this company’s success. Years later, in 2007 Aurimas joined a MySQL consulting company Percona, where he has been working as MySQL Performance Consultant ever since. In addition to MySQL performance optimization, his key areas of expertise include: MySQL High Availability, full text search, content caching techniques, and MySQL data recovery.

During the Zabbix Conference of this year Aurimas Mikalauskas will have 2 talks: “Optimizing MySQL Configuration for MySQL 5.6” and another short speech on „Inspecting a Multi-everything Linux Machine”.  Short descriptions on both Aurimas’ presentations are available here.

How did you / your company discovered Zabbix?

A.M.: Through our customers. Our customers here at Percona often introduce us to all sorts of technologies they are using themselves.

What was the key motivation for you to become one of our speakers at Zabbix Conference 2014?

A.M.: It was several down-to-earth factors. First of all, it is a perfect location for me given – I’m from Vilnius, and secondly – I’ve never been to this conference before and as I got invitation, it got me quite curious.

Zabbix Conference takes place for the 4th year. What do you want attendees to learn from your session?

A.M.: In one of my talks I am going to talk about disks and cpus – my goal with this talk is to get people to understand especially the disks behavior better, which is actually quite a complex topic – many people think they understand it well, but they really don’t. Measuring CPU utilization is really trivial, but measuring disk utilization is a completely different beast. So I hope that sheds some light.

My other talk is about MySQL tuning (MySQL is one of the Zabbix backends) – it is MySQL 5.6 specific, what’s new in 5.6, what can be tuned differently etc. I think nowadays MySQL is used quite broadly, so I hope it will be useful not just for people running Zabbix at large scale but also for people running MySQL at large scale as a backend for their applications they are monitoring.

What is the key message that you will bring to the conference audience by your presentation?

A.M.: For „Optimizing MySQL configuration for MySQL 5.6“ talk – if you’re not sure what you’re tweaking, you may just as well leave it running with defaults.

For „Inspecting a multi-everything Linux machine“- it’s just a system. Understand how it works and you’ll understand how to inspect it.

What do you look forward to at this year’s Zabbix Conference? What topics / issues you are more likely to discuss outside your session?

A.M.: Well since I am representing MySQL, I suppose this is the most likely thing I will be discussing. Though, I’m also looking forward to get to know Zabbix itself better as I don’t know enough about it.

For those, who are still not registered for the upcoming Zabbix Conference, please share your thoughts and reasons why they should join it?

A.M.: It is my first time in Zabbix conference, so no recommendation on the event yet! But you should definitely come to my talks though 😉

Zabbix Team appreciates time and contribution of Aurimas Mikalauskas and for his honest vision and opinion about Zabbix and the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

This Thursday, on August 14th, do not miss the interview with Serg Mescheryakov from the company RingCentral, who will give a talk on „Proactive and Reactive Monitoring” during this year’s Zabix Conference.


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