Zabbix Conference 2014Today in our series of Zabbix pre-conference interviews you will get a chance to meet Serg Mescheryakov, Senior System Analyst at RingCentral, responsible for system analysis of production stats and repeatable issues.

Serg MescheryakovSerg Mescheryakov is a Doctor of Science, Professor of St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (St. Petersburg, Russia), specializing in Computer Science and Engineering. He has published more than 80 scientific papers and implemented a series of enterprise database systems. Serg has 33 years of experience in IT as a developer, database architect, team leader and analyst, including 8 years in the leading IT companies in California.

During Zabbix Conference 2014 Serg Mescheryakov will talk about “Proactive and Reactive Monitoring”, presenting the approach and real-world examples on how Zabbix is used to predict and prevent the anomalies beforehand.



Pre-conference Interview with Serg Mescheryakov

How did you / your company discovered Zabbix?

S.M.: On the Internet.

Why did you choose Zabbix and what made it to stand out from other available monitoring software?

S.M.: Zabbix is the enterprise-class and open source system.

What was the key motivation for you to become one of our speakers at Zabbix Conference 2014?

S.M.: We would like to improve Zabbix system and share our experience with the other Zabbix users and developers.

Zabbix Conference takes place for the 4th year. What do you want attendees to learn from your session?

S.M.: Zabbix can be used not only for monitoring but also as an active centralized control system in a big distributed cloud environment.

What is the key message that you will bring to the conference audience by your presentation?

S.M.:  Monitoring should be proactive. Measure twice, cut once.

This year’s Conference has a strong emphasis on scaling and high performance monitoring. What are your thoughts on the selected key topic?

S.M.: Zabbix performance and scalability are the most important problems in a big dynamic and fast growing environment like our RingCentral Company.

What do you look forward to at this year’s Zabbix Conference? What topics / issues you are more likely to discuss outside your session?

S.M.: We are especially interested in the integration of Zabbix monitoring system with the other management tools, such as Jira, Racktables, Jenkins, Confluence, etc.

For those, who are still not registered for the upcoming Zabbix Conference, please share your thoughts and reasons why they should join it?

S.M.: Zabbix Conference is a very useful meeting with IT professionals, as well as a nice place to relax in the Old Riga.

Zabbix Team appreciates time and contribution of Serg Mescheryakov and for his honest vision and opinion about Zabbix and the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

Next week read the interview with another speaker of Zabbix Conference 2014 – Remigiusz Sokolowski, who will share his thoughts on why it should be interesting for the conference audience to be present at his presentation.

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