Zabbix Conference 2014Every week we are getting closer to our 4th annual IT conference, dedicated to the world’s leading monitoring software – Zabbix. You have three more days to register and ensure your seat at the biggest international IT event, organized by Zabbix!

Pre-conference Interview with Remigiusz Sokolowski

RemigiuszRemigiusz Sokolowski is a Senior DBA. Since 2004 Remigiusz has dived in the Oracle RDBMS world, so taking into consideration this work experience, he will present his short talk, called “Running Zabbix with the Oracle RDBMS” at Zabbix Conference 2014.

How did you / your company discovered Zabbix?

R.S.: On the Internet, plus experience of admins.

Why did you choose Zabbix and what made it to stand out from other available monitoring software?

R.S.: There was some trial process and Zabbix was chosen.

What was the key motivation for you to become one of our speakers at Zabbix Conference 2014?

R.S.: A colleague of mine stated that the theme would be interesting, so I decided why not to share it.

Zabbix Conference takes place for the 4th year. What do you want attendees to learn from your session?

R.S.: This is rather simple – the session would indicate how to set up the Zabbix configuration with Oracle in background in order to make it work efficiently.

What is the key message that you will bring to the conference audience by your presentation?

R.S.: Zabbix with Oracle is possible, and one may make it work.

This year’s Conference has a strong emphasis on scaling and high performance monitoring. What are your thoughts on the selected key topic?

R.S.: More or less my topic is aligned with such statement.

What do you look forward to at this year’s Zabbix Conference? What topics / issues you are more likely to discuss outside your session?

R.S.: My main concern would be Zabbix GUI performance when configured with Oracle.

For those, who are still not registered for the upcoming Zabbix Conference, please share your thoughts and reasons why they should join it?

R.S.: I suppose too less experience to say something about other prelectors. However I am quite glad in regard to my topic and would say it’s quite interesting and in concise form, so not too long/boring. 🙂

Zabbix Team appreciates time and contribution of Remigiusz Sokolowski and for his honest vision and opinion about Zabbix and the upcoming Zabbix Conference 2014.

Next week we conclude our pre-conference interviews with one more speaker – Gabriele Armao, representing one of Zabbix Premium Partners, Systematica S.R.L.

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