Let the Zabbix 2.2 party begin!
On Tuesday, November 12th, after Zabbix officially announced the release of the long-awaited and desired Zabbix 2.2, Zabbix team had a nice celebration of this important event in the company’s office in Riga.

Happy we 🙂

Besides happiness on the faces of each member of the Zabbix team, great mood, funny music and tasty snacks, our small Zabbix 2.2 party also had some small, sweet and tasty copies of Alexei and Alexander Vladishev – the two leaders of our friendly team. The marzipan figures on top of the Zabbix 2.2 cake were expressing joy, satisfaction and pride from the completed mission. 🙂

Tasty and sweet surprise – Zabbix 2.2 cake
Small marzipan figures of Alexei and Alexander Vladishev

And… of course! Zabbix 2.2 would not be come true without the greatest support from you, guys – our friendliest friends 🙂 i.e. trustful and loyal Zabbix users, followers, partners and clients around the world. You make everything happen and give us the reason to move on. There is no point to grow and develop without your constant belief in us… in Zabbix!!! You are the best and we truly, madly, deeply love and appreciate you! Zabbix Community is the best community in the world, and that is 100% true! So, to share with you our Zabbix 2.2 celebration, we have prepared a special surprise for you – a short movie on “How we made it…”. Please enjoy and stay with us to move forward!!!

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