Zabbix has built-in web monitoring, which provides scenario support – user workflow emulation on the webpage. There are also some neat predefined graphs on the scenario level. Dedicated Zabbix translator zalex_ua has shared some of these predefined graphs… from scenario with 20 steps.

The scenario in question was created to monitor some aspects of Zabbix documentation solution – remember, he’s involved in translating Zabbix? The resulting graphs seemed shiny enough to share with other Zabbix users as well.

Download speed for Zabbix documentation

Here the scenario that monitors Zabbix documentation can be seen in a stacked graph – with individual steps placed one on top of another, so that it is possible to see both the impact of individual step and total amount. As it’s speed, bigger is better. If we can stop looking at the shiny graph area, some dips can be noticed – those are temporary slowdowns. There doesn’t seem to be a single step that slows down everything, it is more or less uniform across the steps. This graph also shows a small part of the translation work – you should be able to spot Cyrillic script there (Russian translation, at first completed by dotneft, who later received help from zalex_ua).

Response time for Zabbix documentation

Here’s also response time graph. Of course, here smaller is better. Again, decrease in performance is mostly uniform without single step being responsible for that.

These graphs can be useful to technical personnel, but they can also be used for some management taming – should be safe to try at home.

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14 years ago

wow, talk about me already 🙂
I can comment on the first picture – I have a foreign Internet connection speed of 2 Mbps 🙁
The graph confirms this 🙂

14 years ago

I have used zabbix to monitoring the web,
but every day on the time of 10:00 TO 23:30, the image of lastdata Failed step of scenario becomes on and off,like this
What ‘s the problem,and what can I do to Solve this problem.

14 years ago

when I want to ask on
but the forum display:
“you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else’s post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation. ”

14 years ago

i’m new with zabbix.. can you explain to me how to use authentication in web scenario in zabbix. when i have to use none authentication, basic authentication and ntlm authentication?

13 years ago


can anyone please tell the detailed procedure of creating triggers on items (steps) of scenarios!! the return type of result is predefined as #, hence no proper value is coming. kindly help!

Ron Peled
Ron Peled
13 years ago

Can you discuss how to add multiple web scenarios and triggers to the same server? What are the best practices in maintaining ‘inventory’ of all your web scenarios? In my case I have ~20 VPS with 1-2 web sites each on a single hardware host. And I only have server profile for the hosts.

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